That's not exactly accurate either though. We do want to disarm some of you. If you can't even admit that some people should not have guns then yeah, maybe you are one of them, maybe not. Why is it that you can't even admit that much though. Why the hell can't you say, "Some people who can get guns just should not have them!", until after the tragedy occurs?
Of course your biggest weapon in this little fight for gun rights has apparently become internet MEMEs. Ridiculously stupid internet MEMEs and if you took half a minute to think about the bullshit your posting you wouldn't do it. Sorry, that's a lie and I know it, you idiots will post anything that even remotely agrees with your ammosexual agendas.
Let's start with this one. We don't blame the guns and we don't blame responsible gun owners. Let me repeat and reiterate that, liberals do not blame the guns! You dumb asses really need to stop saying that. We blame easy accessibility to guns by deranged and violent people, many of whom seemed to be fine until they became deranged and violent. We blame the fact that anyone can go to a gun show and get a gun without a back ground check (or could before a couple weeks ago). That's what we blame. Not the gun.
However if you dumb asses want to stick with that analogy. We require people to have drivers licenses and insurance to operate a car. We recognize that the car is inherently dangerous and we require certain conditions be met before it is used because we know it had the potential to be used incorrectly and kill people. If you drive a big commercial vehicle we require even more. Big truck drivers have to have specialized training and follow rules designed to prevent them from accidentally killing hordes of people. Big trucks equal big rules and guns should be the same way.
The words well regulated are the 2nd and 3rd word of the damn amendment. Regulation doesn't mean they are coming for your guns. It doesn't mean they are trying to disarm you. It means using common sense to try to keep guns out of the wrong hands. This was in the constitution that you right wing morons are supposed to think is sacred (It's not by the way, it's a living document and it was meant to be changed).
You will try to get around this by quoting (or misquoting, since you never seem to properly source your quotes) to one or more of the founding fathers.
![]() |
Real quote by Jefferson |
Fake quote by Washington.
Really? Someone really thinks this is how Washington talked?
It sounds more like a Bushism.
Are these quotes true? Maybe. I don't know, but even if they were, so the fuck what? Thomas Jefferson didn't write the fucking constitution all by himself. Those amendments were contemplated, fought over, and voted on just like in congress today. Get that through your head, they fought about these things. There was no magical agreement between all parties. There was no psychic rapport that made them all agree with each other. Quotes you read from founding fathers represent one person's view. What matters is the wording that actually made it into the Constitution of the United States of America, and nothing else.
Now let's discuss this bit of stupidity right here...
It's true, criminals do not follow the gun laws. It's also true that thieves don't follow the burglary laws and rapists don't follow consent laws. So by this logic lets get rid of rape and theft laws. Why not, if the bad guys are not going to follow those laws anyway, why the fuck do we have them?
Oh, wait... maybe, just maybe, it is so that when they do break the laws we can arrest them, prosecute them and incarcerate them. You think... you think maybe laws exist on the books so they can be enforced? That seems like a novel idea. I'm going to say that yes we should have laws even though we know criminals will disobey them. I think that's a dandy idea.
The above quote from Jefferson may have been true at one time but seriously do you really think your little AR-15 could defend you from the government? You can go down fighting, but I think when you see the tanks and helicopters coming after you what you will actually do is shit your tea party patriot asses. They are not coming for you anyway but if they did you wouldn't stand a chance. Not a chance.
Not even a little one.

I made this one just for you!