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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Trump is genius? - Not even a little!

I woke up to this bullshit on my Facebook page today:

Remember that check the Government gave us a few months back, the one you didn’t want? The taxes you’ll owe in Jan, Feb, Mar and Apr will be a lot less than that. Good thing you didn’t want it and put it in Savings. Using free money from the government to pay taxes. Trump is genius!!

Every time someone says Trump is a genius I wonder what their standard is. He is not a genius, stable or otherwise.

Uh'm unfortunately my wife and I were laid off because of the pandemic... you know, the one with 15 cases and soon to be none, and that was supposed to go away with the heat in April, that he now apparently knew was a lot deadlier then he told people? So I damn sure had to spend my stimulus check on groceries and bills for my family to survive.

Trump downplays the severity of the virus!

You think Trump is a genius? His tax cut added 1.5 trillion to the debt before the virus ever hit (you know, the tax cuts that were supposed to pay for themself in revenue?), now another 3 trillion so far due to the virus. 22 million people out of work and an economy that only looks good because it was built on deficit spending and stock buybacks.

As far as the stimulus covering your taxes, if your taxes are withheld correctly for your paycheck you don't owe much (if anything) at the end of the year anyway. That's the way it's designed.

If you owe, you didn't pay enough during the year. So basically, you got a stimulus check, if you were poor and desperate like my family at the moment you had to spend it. If not, you get to rub it our faces now. Either way, it was extra money that had to come from the government (even if you pay it back it was extra.. because otherwise, you'd have to come up with it now.) 

It also was NOT Trump's stimulus. He signed a bill for the first stimulus that was veto-proof on arrival from the senate. 

Side note: If you are one of those spreading MEME's saying no Democrats voted for a 2nd stimulus, here is a fact check for you.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to get that money back somehow, and you will blame them instead of blaming the guy who created the debt. That's how it works. Biden's plan still doesn't raise taxes on anyone making less than $400k a year, Trump's plan is apparently to keep digging a hole. Nothing more, nothing new, no admitting it hasn't worked.

There is no genius here! Not even close. Trump has been an unmitigated disaster!