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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Homophobia in Star Trek Fans ~ Warning minor spoilers ahead.

First off, before I even get started let me say I have loved every incarnation of Star Trek. I have been a big fan of the series and its message of hope for the future for as long as I can remember. Gene Roddenberry was an absolute visionary and will always be remembered as such.

Okay, so the new Star Trek is out and personally, I think it is great. Yeah, the story is a little dark and gritty for Trek, but this is still in the early days of the Star Fleet. It is set after the events of Enterprise but 10 years before The Original Series.  I don't want to give too much away to those who haven't seen it and might want to, but right now it is mainly about the start of a war between The United Federation of Planets (Star Fleet) and the Klingon Empire.

New Episodes of Discovery air Sunday night on CBS All Access

The star is Sonequa Martin formerly of The Walking Dead (Sasha) and I think she is fantastic in her role as a human raised by Vulcans. 

There are lots of things Trekkies are complaining about...
1) It's on CBS All Access in America so if you want to watch it here you have to pay for it. Everywhere else it's on Netflix (which of course you still have to pay for).
2) They changed the look of the Klingons and gave them more than one race. Apparently, this isn't "Canon" because OMG we have learned everything about the Klingon Empire by now.
3) Klingons are cannibalistic. Also supposedly not "Canon" except for all of the times you know Klingons boasted about eating the hearts of their enemies, even Worf was afraid Dax would not get into Sto-Vo-Kor when she died because she had never done this.
4) It looks better than the original series graphically. You might want to have those campy 1960s graphics back, but this is a modern telling of the story and if the original had been this visually awesome it might have lasted more then three series. If you do truly miss those campy old sets and the banter between Kirk and Spock check out the fan made show Star Trek Continues (I can't explain how awesome a recreation it is, by the third episode you will believe he is Kirk).

Some of these may or may not be legitimate concerns... I personally enjoy the show and will continue to do so...

But one of the biggest complaints people have had regarding the show is the openly homosexual character Lt. Stamets played by Anthony Rapp, and while I can understand this kind of criticism coming from the extreme religious right I truly believe it should be antithetical to any true fan of Star Trek.

Lt. Stamets - Anthony Rapp

Star Trek has always been a series with a social conscience. It has always been about pushing the boundaries of technology and space, but also about pushing the boundaries of acceptance. We've seen such a diverse group of characters in Trek over the years. Strong black women like Lt. Uhuru. Amazing black captains like Captain Sisko of DS9. Russians, Asians, and Scottsmen, and aliens from other friggin planets all working together without a care in the world.... and you want to get upset that the new show has a gay character in it? Are you serious? 

Star Trek has always generated controversy
Several stations would not air Kirk kissing Uhuru

What part of Gene's vision of openness and acceptance do you people not get?  Gay people exist. Gay people contribute fully to society and have every right to love who they love. It's that simple. Hopefully, in the future, more people will understand that.

To those I have seen claiming that this is part of the gay agenda... damn right it is. What exactly do you think the gay agenda is though? Some shadow recruitment technique to turn us all gay thus saving the planets fashion sense for eons to come? No... the only gay agenda that is and ever has been is to be accepted just like everyone else. To be treated as human just like everyone else. To be able to love and be loved just like everyone else.

If you can't get that you shouldn't be watching Star Trek in any iteration at all. 

Oh... and just FYI Gene Roddenberry would have wanted an openly gay character on Star Trek at least according to his son. 

"I think he would be 100 percent in favor of a gay character in 'Star Trek," said Roddenberry during an interview. "There's so much going on in the world today. I think he would love any sort of social issue being brought into 'Star Trek.'"


  1. Star Trek TNG came very close a couple of times to addressing the subject in a plot or two, and HELLO, the Federation may respect beliefs and cultural practices of other civilizations, but it has traditionally had trouble with races who have not embraced the equal value of all beings. Bring on the gay characters, I say. It’s a perfect move for Star Trek!

  2. Something that has struck me as funny is that George Takei was against what they did to Sulu in Star Trek Into Darkness by having Sulu be gay. He thinks Sulu is straight and should stay that way. However, he also said he broached the subject of having a gay character on Star Trek during it's original run.

    I believe this is what both George Takei and Gene Roddenberry would have wanted. A strong, smart gay character in a vital role.

    I tend to agree with him. I think it was a mistake to rework the Sulu character as gay simply because he was already established. I do think it was meant to be an homage to George though, and even if it's not "canon" I liked it.

    Whatever else we know though... Mirror Universe Sulu was all about Uhura!
